piątek, 19 czerwca 2015

What's new in iOS9 and Xcode 7 - WWDC 2015

Objective C Nullability This was actually introduced in XCode 6.3, but it's a failry new feature presented at WWDC 2015. You can set your parameter to be nonnull or nullable: This code will produce a warning while building, and crash in runtime if the code that passes nil to name is executed.It...

Cocoa Touch Best Practices - WWDC 2015

Launch quickly The first thing you learn is that you shouldn't do process extensive tasks on UI thread. People sometimes forget that if you do the same in the delegate callbacks you'll freeze UI. Always return quickly from applicationDidFinishLaunching to launch the app as quickly as possible. Your...

Clang compiler under the hood

When you build an iOS application you're not really interested with how does it all work under the hood most of the times. You just place some layout, hit "Run" or "Archive" and that's it. It just works. It's when you start building your own library you start wondering: how does it all work? Static...